12 Tips for Quitting Sugar Dependency


Most people know that sugar is bad for them, and it’s been linked to obesity, type II diabetes, heart disease, and other health problems. But quitting sugar can be difficult–it’s an addiction, after all.

Sugar addiction is a real thing. A 2012 study published in the Journal of Addiction Medicine found that nearly 11 percent of people who struggle with food addiction are addicted to sugar.

If you’re struggling to give up sugar, here are 12 tips to help you break the habit:

1. Avoid processed foods and eat more whole foods.

Processed foods are full of sugar and other unhealthy ingredients. Eating more whole foods–fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins–will help you reduce sugar.

2. Don’t drink your calories.

Sugary drinks like soda, energy drinks, and fruit juice are loaded with sugar, and cutting them out of your diet will help you consume less sugar overall.

3. Be mindful of the sugar in your coffee and tea.

Adding sugar to your coffee or tea can add a lot of extra calories and sugar to your diet. If you’re used to adding sugar, try gradually reducing the amount you add until you can drink it without.

4. Avoid sugary snacks.

When you’re hungry, reach for a healthy snack instead of a sugary one, which will help you cut down on sugar and calories.

5. Read food labels.

Sugar is often hiding in foods that you wouldn’t expect. Reading food labels will help you identify foods that contain sugar so you can avoid them.

6. Get enough sleep.

Getting enough sleep is essential for overall health and can help with sugar cravings. When you’re tired, you’re more likely to crave sugary foods for a quick energy boost.

7. Exercise regularly.

Exercise can help reduce sugar cravings. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins that can help improve your mood and reduce stress–both of which can help decrease sugar cravings.

8. Drink water.

Staying hydrated is essential for overall health and can help with sugar cravings. Drinking water can help you feel fuller, making you less likely to crave sugary snacks.

9. Avoid trigger foods.

There may be certain foods that trigger your sugar cravings. If you can identify and avoid these foods, it will be easier to resist the urge to eat sugary foods.

10. Seek support.

If you’re struggling to give up sugar, seek support from family and friends or join a support group. There are also many online resources available to help you on your journey to quitting sugar.

11. Talk to your doctor.

If you’re struggling to give up sugar, talk to your doctor. They can provide you with resources and support to help you on your journey to quitting sugar.

12. Seek professional help.

If you’re struggling to give up sugar, consider seeking professional help. Many counselors and therapists specialize in helping people overcome sugar addiction.

Quitting sugar can be difficult, but it’s essential for your health. These tips can help you on your journey to quitting sugar and living a healthier life.